Condições de Reserva

Anti-Fraud Guarantee
Book securely through HomeCarShare, enjoy the benefits and avoid surprises. The owner only receives the reservation signal 24 hours after entering the accommodation.

Booking Process
1º Choose your vacation rental
2º Make the payment through one of our payment methods
3º Booking is confirmed after the payment. Receive the confirmation email and get ready for your stay
4º On check-in date, receive your keys. On check-out date, rate your stay. 

If you have any questions or difficulties do not hesitate to contact the HomeCarShare team.
Payment, Cancellation, Refund:
- Payment is made online at moment of the booking.
- In case of cancellation by the traveler, will be applied the cancellation policy that is shown in the details of the chosen accommodation.
- If the traveler receives a rating of 4 stars or more, we will gradually refund 50% of the booking amount in credit.

Payment methods:
- ATM Reference, an ATM near you or HomeBanking (only in Portugal).
- Credit or Debit Card.